If you ever need to compile Quercus from source and install it into your local Maven repository, this post is just for you. You need to have Subversion (or Git), Maven and Ant installed. Here are the steps:
svn co svn://svn.caucho.com/home/svn/svnroot/resin/trunk resin
cd resin
ant quercus.war
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=dist/quercus-4_0-snap.war -DgroupId=com.caucho -DartifactId=quercus -Dversion=4.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=war
Some time ago I had to download the Resin/Quercus source from an unofficial mirror repository on github, because the official Caucho SVN repository located at svn.caucho.com was down. This mirror repository is still available, but at the time of writing it seems a little outdated. If you are interested, perform these steps instead:
git clone https://github.com/mdaniel/svn-caucho-com-resin.git
cd svn-caucho-com-resin
ant quercus.war
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=dist/quercus-4_0-snap.war -DgroupId=com.caucho -DartifactId=quercus -Dversion=4.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=war
The Quercus webapp is now installed in your local Maven repository as version 4.0-SNAPSHOT. Include in your project's pom.xml as follows:
If you would like to see the other build targets for Resin/Quercus, execute the following command:
ant -p
Bonus tip: you can always find a recent version of the Quercus WAR file at http://www.caucho.com/download/quercus-4.0.x.war, replacing 'x' with the latest version, e.g. http://www.caucho.com/download/quercus-4.0.28.war. You can find the latest version number by looking at Caucho Resin's version number on the website's download page. I figured this out once by guessing URLs to download the latest version. The Quercus website is not updated frequently enough to keep up with newer releases, but the files are actually there.